y i k e s .

Branca/Mar/Nug. Queer. They/Them. Latinoamerican. Early 30s. Grad student in media with a focus on fandom rhetoric. Autistic. Intersectional feminist. Fic writer (affectionate)

Currently on a FMA (manga) special interest revival. (esp Royai)

FMA ▴ pokémon ▴ ace attorney ▴ zero escape ▴ hades ▴ Dragon Age ▴ Indie games ▴ too many other things


Bigoted movements (especially the ones disguising as progressive/leftist - including but not limited to radfem and SWERFs) and Abysmal media literacy make me sad but if I were to avoid them I'd have to leave the internet, wouldn't I

My personal accs aren't SFW.
If I post something that squicks you, or you feel uncomfortable for any reason, feel free to ignore, unfollow, or block me as you please.
I encourage you to curate your online life.

TL;DR: I'm not your classmate, and I'm not your mom. ♡